Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesdays With Morrie: unexpected results

I started reading Tuesdays With Morrie last night. I was told by few trusted
individuals and my mentors that this was a must read.

Now lets get something out in the open, I do not consider myself an avid reader. I start allot of books but rarely finish them, maybe the topic is not that captivating or I just loose interest or ???
However, Tuesdays With Morrie is different. I could not put this book down, I actually
wanted to read it all in one sitting but forced myself to set it down and get to sleep.

This type of "pull" does not happen to me very often.

Now, the weird part is, I could not sleep. This is NOT a problem I EVER have, I have always
had the innate ability to shut things off and/or step away from the issues of the day and get
proper sleep.

So, why has this book affected me so, I will have to finish it and find out.

Thanks for tuning in, hope to keep you interested enough to visit again.